Are you about to enter a relationship or marriage and you would like to make the right decision in time?

  • Is my first date going to be good?
  • Are we a good match?
  • Will the woman be able to live her feminine side and the man his masculine side in the relationship?
  • Are there going to be joy, fun, hiking, sports?
  • Are there going to be interesting and serious discussions?
  • Can I always count on him/her?
  • Can we have a happy life?
  • Will he/she love our children?

Synastry (the analysis of male-female compatibility)

I perform a matching analysis of the couple to-be using their birth data and Vedic astrology.

The more affluent in India still turn to astrologers today, when they have their children married. The position of the couple’s Moons will point towards the quality of compatibility. There are multiple matching angles, and the two formulas will pair a value to each. If the total score is less than 17, marriage or long-term relationship is not recommended (in India they always talk about marriage). Below 17 points, maintenance of the relationship requires lots of energy that the couple will lure away from other fields of life, thus sooner or later they will get tired of it. The optimal number is between 20 and 28. Then the couple wil be supportive towards each other. There is another point of view that is important, but which is not measured in points, and that is the forming of the female-male roles in the relationship. Often, the number one reason for breaking up is that the female-male energies are swapped, which hinders the man’s creative energies and the woman can’t identify with her female quality.

You can ask for a synastry analysis using my Contact details.

Detailed information on relationship compatibility

“According to the Vedic system, the parents would consider the horoscopes of the boy and girl who were to be married. If according to astrological calculations the boy and girl were compatible in every respect, the match was called yotaka and the marriage would be accepted.”

Srimad Bhagavatam comment: Canto 9, Chapter 18, verse 23.